After a little 2017 hiatus, we’re hitting the ground running on Wednesday 10th, alongside the Royal Shakespeare Company and a plethora of demos to get your hands on.
Wednesday 10th Jan, Barbican Fountain Room (ground floor)
Doors at 6pm
The RSC’s Sarah Ellis and Epic Games’ Ben Lumsden
A play that couldn’t be more suited to real-time special effects, RSC’s The Tempest was produced in collaboration with Intel and in association with The Imaginarium Studios.
@sarahnellis // @BenjLumsden // Take a look behind the scenes [Video]
Laura Kriefman of Guerilla Dance Project
Architectural Choreographer and creative pioneer in movement and technology.
@elfkay // @guerillladance // More about Laura
Panel, chaired by Katy Beale
Featuring Sarah, Ben, Laura and Tom Burton (Head of Interactive at BBC Studios) exploring how to put technology in artists’ hands.
@katybeale // @scarahnellis // @BenjLumsden // @elfkay // @tbertz

The Tempest live motion capture Ariel, with RSC’s prop technician Steve Keeley
Arrive promptly for a chance of being selected to wear the suit!
Holo-Gauze, with Stuart Warren-Hill
The world’s biggest, brightest, highest-resolution indoor hologram. It sneezes all over Pepper’s Ghost.
@stuarthexstatic // @HoloGauze // About Holo-Gauze
Kicking the Mic, with Laura Kriefman
Tap dance. Looping audio. LEDs. And one magic dress.
Kicking the Mic
RAM Dance Toolkit, with David Haylock
@PMStudioUK’s resident technologist will demystify the RAM Dance Toolkit (that’s Reactor for Awareness in Motion, dontcha know)
@david_haylock // @PMStudioUK // RAM Dance Toolkit [GitHub]
Speakers past and present can be found on this Twitter List.
Images from all events can be found on this Flickr page.